Upcoming Bridal Expos and Events

Upcoming Bridal Expos and Events

Due to current health and safety concerns all expos around the country have been canceled.  Many will be rescheduled once we return to normal operations at which time new schedule of expos will be posted on our site. Meanwhile, please be safe, stay healthy. ...

What Is New

What Is New

Many of you have seen on your news feeds couples who have stuck to their promises to each other, got married under strict health and safety guidelines.  Some only were allowed to have only one witness to their special occasion.  Our congratulations to all. To those of...

Got Married

Got Married

Here is a couple who got creative in their plans.  Please take a who got married over the weekend. If you have a Wedding photo you would like to share with us, please send it to us with the date you got married and we will be happy to post it for you for all to...